Sunday, April 1, 2012

Movin' on up.

Tomorrow morning my husband and I are going to meet with someone to get pre-approved for a house! I am so ready to get out of this area we are currently in. There is nothing to do around here and we find ourselves always driving back to the area we came from to do things. So once it's time to start looking for a house, we will be (hopefully) going back to where all the action is.
At work, I will be trying out for the  Pro Team, which is a position where I will be able to teach other people how to achieve certain makeup looks. Possibly/most likely doing so on camera! I'm a little shy about doing stuff like that, but I will be getting some practice in by doing my own tutorials in the meantime.
 I am also working on my portfolio currently. I have a few photographer friends who will be helping me out with this and I'm so excited!
 Bella has 6 teeth!!!!!!!! She got her first two bottom teeth January 1st, then her "fangs" came in, and now her front top teeth are peeking out. She is also crawling around like crazy and putting everything in her mouth! She can pull herself up and walk around as long as shes got something to hold on to. All this at 8 months old. She is growing up so fast! She is the happiest baby I know. She hardly ever fusses, although she makes up for that by still not sleeping through the night. She is still just totally awesome though.
I've got a side project in the works with one of my best friends. Extremely excited about it!
My green tip of the day: Save the sleeve from your coffee and reuse it, or just invest in a refillable cup. Most places will give you a discount for doing so.  Let's save the planet one coffee cup sleeve at a time!